Approved Patterns
Powered by our advance AI security engine, this policy will only allows transactions that interact with your protocol in a safe way. The engine provides a list of Approved Patterns - a list of calls that are allowed to be performed in sequence on your protocol - and only these vectors will be allowed to go through.
Any transaction that performs calls outside the Approved Patterns list will be blocked.
Protected Attack Vector
For certain protocols, zero-day attacks may be discovered by crafting a malicious transaction that makes calls to your smart contracts in a way it wasn't intended to be used.
In such cases, the transaction will be blocked by this policy because the calls in the malicious transaction aren't in the Approved Patterns list.
How It Works
As part of the policy's setup, a list of Approved Patterns is generated by our AI security engine and is configured on the policy.
A transaction executing a several calls reaches the Firewall.
If the calls in the transactions are approved, the transaction will be allowed to go through. If not, the transaction will be reverted.
Internally, the Approved Patterns lists are hashed for high-efficiency calculation on-chain
Setup Instructions
Deploy your own version of this policy (see Source Code).
Configure the Approved Patterns you wish to allow for your protocol. NOTE: Contact our Support for more information on how to get these generated for your protocol
Add the newly deployed policy to the Firewall (you can do this Globally or Per-Method, see Policy Administration).
That's it!
(address =>
(uint => bytes)
(bytes32 => bool)
function approveMultipleHashes(bytes32[] calldata _vectorHashes)
function approveMultipleHashes(bytes32[] calldata _vectorHashes)
Callable only by the policy owner. Approves multiple Approved Vectors
bytes32[] calldata
function removeMultipleHashes(bytes32[] calldata _vectorHashes)
function removeMultipleHashes(bytes32[] calldata _vectorHashes)
Callable only by the policy owner. Removes previously Approved Vectors hashes.
bytes32[] calldata
function setVectorHashStatus(bytes32 _vectorHash, bool _status)
function setVectorHashStatus(bytes32 _vectorHash, bool _status)
Callable only by the policy owner. Sets the status (approve / disapprove) of a single Approved Vectors hash.
to approve or false
to disapprove
Security Lifecycle
This policy runs during the Firewall's Pre-Execution hook.
Source Code
On our GitHub repository: ApprovedVectorsPolicy.sol
Last updated