Deploy Firewall policies
Deploying Firewall Policies on the Ironblocks platform enables developers to establish robust security measures tailored to your specific development operations. Opt into our list of open-source firewall policies, which OpenZeppelin has audited. Access Firewall Policies: Navigate via the side menu to the Firewall Policies section.
Explore, manage, and deploy relevant security Policies for your assets from the ‘Policies Library’ tab
Here, you can create and manage various security policies - each policy can be customized to match the security requirements of your project. Policy with ‘Add Policy’ button can be added via the platform interface, while the rest can be configured through the documentation (will also have interface soon).
‘My policy’ tab: here you can manage and control all your deployed security policies. On each policy deployed, you can see on what network and assets it is deployed, while also editing, configuring, and updating your policies through the UI.
Last updated